Local Area Network, Wide Area Network, and Internetworks

Local Area Network (LAN)
Local Area Network, Wide Area Network, and Internetworks
A network serving a home, building or campus is considered a Local Area Network (LAN).

Local Area Network, or commonly known as a LAN is a network of individuals who typically includes a single geographic area. LAN provides services and applications for people in the general organizational structure, such as a single business, campus or region and usually a LAN network system is managed by a single organization.

Wide Area Network (WAN)
Local Area Network, Wide Area Network, and Internetworks
LANs separated by geographic distance are connected by a network known as a Wide Area Network (WAN).

An organization or a company needs to use the telecommunications service provider (TSP) if the location of the organization or company is constrained by problems of geographical distance wide enough to connect LANs at different locations. TSP transmit voice and data communications on separate networks.

Wide Area Network or so-called WAN is a network that connects LANs in geographically separated locations. Usually, organizations or companies hire a connection through the telecommunications network service providers. TSP communication services will control the policy in the network while the organization or company responsible for all policies and administration of LANs at both ends of the connection.

Network system Wide Area Network (WAN) using a specially designed network devices to make the interconnections between Local Area Network (LAN). LAN and WAN is useful for connecting users in an organization. This allows network users to communicate in a variety of forms of communication, including e-mail exchange, corporate training, and sharing of other resources.

Local Area Network, Wide Area Network, and Internetworks
Local Area Network (LAN) and Wide Area Network (WAN) may be connected into internetworks.

Internetworks most frequently used and is a public access. Internetwork a global network interconnection (internetworks). The network system is typically owned by a large company, such as government agencies and companies in the scale besar.

Internet was created by the interconnection of networks belonging to Internet Service Provider (ISP). ISP networks connect to each other to provide access to Internet users. The application of technologies and protocols must be consistent with the cooperation of several providers of network administration to ensure effective communication networks.

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